My dad is really cool. I didn't always realize this though. Actually I have only recently gotten out of the phase where I feel extreme embarrassment about my parents. I remember wanting to sink into the earth when I went anywhere with him. He would always wear the most ridiculous get-ups, Khaki pants cut off at the knee, a plaid shirt that predated the Jimmy Carter era, and some shoes that were dress shoes in the 40's, but closely resemble something like moccasins now. In addition to this, he is a farmer. I cannot remember how many hours I spent wishing that he had a normal job...he could have been a dentist…
I don't want this little vignette to get sappy, but I have really come to appreciate my dad for who he is. He is a farmer and he grows the most beautiful food that I've ever seen. He also milks our four cows, shovels the quarter mile driveway in the winter by hand, plays the guitar and sings like a boss, cans, writes the best letters, plays badminton like Lee Chong Wei, has a great sense of humor, and has a better work ethic then I ever will. This last mention is well illustrated by the following pictures.
My pops hand sickled the field that he is standing in:
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