Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Room Cleaning

Rooming cleaning is not my strong suit. I tend to let my room get to the point where it looks like tornado alley. About when I feel like I have to swim through an ocean of clothing just to get to my bed I decide that I should probably clean it. Here are some before and after pictures so that you can get the picture: 



It was a difficult experience, and there are no pictures of the closet for a reason, but all in all, I am glad that I took the time to clear a path to my bed.

My Sister in Law

My brother's wife, Havvah, works at a small book store. The other day I stopped in to chat with her and  she was wearing an outfit that inspired awe. Even though this outfit is made up of many bold patterns they all seem to work together. I don't know how she does it. I would also like to note that she made the shirt that she is wearing. When I look at the bird on the shirt I am once again reminded of this: 

Havvah is a creative and beautiful woman with two adorable children. She is also an accomplished Pastry Chef. My brother Isaac and her run a restaurant called Milkweed. Click here for more info about reservations, menus, etc.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Vintage Dress

Recently I have been trying to think of ways to make money quickly, while selling drugs and prostitution have been recommended to me by some people, I am looking for other routes. I tired responding to some posts on, but that didn't really work out. I was offered 1000 dollars to bartend at some corporate party topless, but I declined. Anyway, I have decided that consigning clothing is the best way to make some easy money. In order to do this though, I need to clean out my closet. I found this little piece and just had to try it on. Here are the photos:

The question is, should I consign it or keep it? Tell me your thoughts... 

I hate my computer

That is a lie, I love my computer. But I feel like I am in over my head when I use my computer. I wish that I knew something about programing, or anything like that. I was trying to do some photo editing today with GIMP (I'm too cheap for Photoshop), and it was sooooooo difficult. I read through the entire online manual, like fifty pages of reading, and still didn't know how to easily separate an image from its background. Finally I figured it out, but I know that there must be an easier way.

This is a little project that I am working on for a local gift shop. Potholders!! Do you think that these are marketable? What other simple designs would look good?

The working life

I work at a small restaurant that serves some of the most amazing food that you will ever sink your teeth into. If you are new to the blog and don't know about it check out the website:

As a server you have many experiences that are challenging, weird, fun, and sometimes downright embarrassing. Here I will share an experience that falls into the last category. During this night of serving, I was on top of my game, people we're loving me, I had all of my tables captivated, people were enjoying the food, and the weather was great. Things were so great that one of my tables asked if they could take a picture. I was so flattered that they wanted to take a picture of me. I had been posing for the picture for about 20 seconds when it dawned on me that they didn't want to take a picture of me they wanted me to take a picture of them. Are you kidding me I thought. This blows, first of all, they don't want to take a picture of me, and second of all, I was just doing weird poses for 20 seconds while they looked confused. Can you believe it, they still tipped me. (Probably because I was dressed to the nines)... Thanks you my sweet guests for putting up with me...

Dress: American Apparel
Shoes: Target
Scarf: American Apparel
Belt: Thrifted
Hair: "Don't wash it for a week and it looks like this"

When it rains in pours...

When asked what I wear in the rain, I like to say that I wear nothing... But that is not true. Not at all. Generally, I don't prepare for rain and end up soaked. I will be standing in the downpour while other people pull out their really nice rain gear. Let me tell you, people are not generous with their expensive rain gear. But if I was to prepare for the rain it would look like this:

Jeans: Macy's 
Boot: Farm n' Fleet
Socks: Smartwool 
Jacket: American Apparel 

Which One?

Sometimes it's really hard for me to decide what to wear, I mean really hard. I will stand in front of the mirror and just stare at what I have on or I will try on every piece of clothing that I have. It's a rough life... Here is a little example of that brought to you in photo form... I could not decide what Cardigan to wear with this dress. Looking at the pictures I now see that there is a clear choice. But what do you think?

That was not cool

The other day I was talking with this woman. Our conversation turned to style and she asked me how I manage to dress cool. With a nod and a wink I told her that it starts with one very important thing: Being Cool. Right as these idiotic words escaped my lips I realized that she meant cool; like the weather. Great, I really look cool now. I laughed a little, and then tried to think of something to say. This is when I realized that I never dress cool, I'm always too HOT.

If I had a job then I would probably wear clothes like this. But I don't have a job so thats why I have time to blog about style. Check out the outfit, comment, and listen to Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me, because it's hilarious...

Pants: Elle
Shoes: Banana Republic
Vest: Urban Outfitters
Shirt: Thrifted
Earrings: Antique Store in Boulder

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Trench Coats

Well, well, well. The summer is off to a good start and I am really enjoying life here on the farm. I especially enjoying trying out new summer fashions. Though I generally wake up every morning and put on the same pair of dirt caked shorts and sports bra, I have been trying to put on some cute outfits too. This outfit is of a style that I wish that I went for more often, super classy with an old school feel.

Coat: Thrifted
Scarf: American Apparel 
Shoes: Thrifted

Picnic Basket

This is a shirt that I love with a passion. It might be the best piece that I own. This is the first time that I have worn this shirt under something. I think that it looks pretty good, what do you think?

Dress: Thrifted 
Shoes: American Apparel 
Shirt: Gift from my sister Moriah 

Summer Fashion

This is a little outfit that I threw together the other day. I think that it is simple and classy while still making a statement. Check it out.

Pants: Found in my Attic
Shirt: A relic of my childhood
Shoes: Thrifted in Iowa

Almond Croissants

Yesterday I spent the entire day in the KITCHEN with my mom. What a fun time we had. We made a ton of baked goods and the best part about it is that I got paid for my hard work.

We made Almond Croissants, complete with homemade Almond Paste. I always feel a little intimidated when I make Croissants, but have no fear, they are actually hard to mess up. Also, I was super shocked when it was easy to make Almond Paste.

I will include a short description of how I made the Paste: Take one pound of almonds and put them in a food processor until they are the consistency of corn meal. Then mix in one and a half cup of sugar. Then blend in three eggs, three table spoons of cream, and a teaspoon of almond extract. The paste should be about the consistency of grits. Enjoy.

Here are some pictures of the baking extravaganza!!
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