I work at a small restaurant that serves some of the most amazing food that you will ever sink your teeth into. If you are new to the blog and don't know about it check out the website: http://milkweedclub.com/

As a server you have many experiences that are challenging, weird, fun, and sometimes downright embarrassing. Here I will share an experience that falls into the last category. During this night of serving, I was on top of my game, people we're loving me, I had all of my tables captivated, people were enjoying the food, and the weather was great. Things were so great that one of my tables asked if they could take a picture. I was so flattered that they wanted to take a picture of me. I had been posing for the picture for about 20 seconds when it dawned on me that they didn't want to take a picture of me they wanted me to take a picture of them. Are you kidding me I thought. This blows, first of all, they don't want to take a picture of me, and second of all, I was just doing weird poses for 20 seconds while they looked confused. Can you believe it, they still tipped me. (Probably because I was dressed to the nines)... Thanks you my sweet guests for putting up with me...
Dress: American Apparel
Shoes: Target
Scarf: American Apparel
Belt: Thrifted
Hair: "Don't wash it for a week and it looks like this"